COVID-19 Risk Mitigation & Fiji Entry Conditions
Fiji has reopened as one of the world's safest tourism destinations; travelling to Fiji is now easier. InterContinental Fiji awaits you with enhanced cleaning measures so your health and safety are the highest of concerns. Learn more here.
Following the recent changes to Fiji Entry Requirements, travelling to Fiji has become so much easier. International travellers arriving in Fiji by air or sea will no longer be required to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination and travel insurance. Travel insurance is not mandatory but it is recommended.
Before planning your trip, we recommend you read the simplified entry requirements here to make planning a holiday at InterContinental Fiji easier. You are not required to test for COVID-19, however, should you develop COVID-19 symptoms, testing will be done at the resort through EMS Clinic and you will be asked to stay in your room.
Those who test positive will be required to isolate for a minimum of five days. This will be at an additional expense to the traveller hence the need for insurance to enter Fiji. Each guest who gets a positive RAT can request an RT-PCR to confirm the RAT result or can go into isolation based on the RAT result only. The cost of these tests will be paid for by guests. We strongly recommend that the insurance cover that you take out will also cover you for going into self-isolation following a positive RAT as opposed to a positive RT-PCR test. Should your premium cover a RT-PCR positive test only, then it is in your best interest to also request and pay for the RT-PCR test following a positive RAT.
RT-PCR charges are below:
• EMS RAT charge is FJ$50 per person per test
• EMS PCR (return within 48 hours) charge is FJ$300 per person per test
• EMS PCR (return within 24 hours) charge is FJ$500 per person per test
Arrangements will be made to conduct the RT-PCR test at your room door. They will advise you of the process in advance, attend your room in full PPE, and will not enter your room.
RAT POS Guests will be required to move and isolate themselves in an approved dedicated isolation room (depending on advice from MOH). PCR Results can take up to 24 - 48 hours and all meals during this time must be ordered through Room Service per usual timings & charges & will be delivered to your room & placed on a tray outside the room door.
Formal isolation ends after 5 full days if you feel fever-free for 24 hours and symptoms have improved.
Families or couples may opt to stay together in their room and isolate or be separated if the partner or family members receive a negative RAT; however, it is recommended that negative and positive family members divide into separate rooms when possible. Negative-tested family members / close contacts are not required to isolate; however, they must wear an N95 mask through the Resort after that & continue to monitor themselves. If they test positive on a COVID-19 test, a 5-day isolation period will commence.
If the positive guest is a child (under 18 yrs), at least one adult must stay in isolation with the child. Guests that stay in isolation during the above time with a guest that received a positive RAT and/ or RT-PCR may later be required to conduct a RAT or RT-PCR test and, if positive, isolate for five days.
Should a positive RAT or RT-PCR result occur, the Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) will be advised. It will confirm with the issuance of an Isolation of Quarantine Notice which will highlight if you are required to remain in isolation for five days and if you are to stay in your room or move to a dedicated isolation room on or off the Resort. Exit from isolation happens on the morning of day 6.
Close or Primary contacts of covid-19 cases are no longer required to serve a quarantine period. They can co-share a room or stay separately in another room as the confirmed positive guest and access all areas of the Resort or Fiji Safe Travel Areas; however, they MUST wear an N95 face mask after that and monitor their welling.
Strict isolation protocols are followed at the Resort, required to ensure MHMS can confirm to your country of origin that you have served a prescribed isolation period that will enable you to receive their Fit to Fly document or Recovery Document (USA) to get back home. These documents are issued by the border Health Protection Team or MOH Doctor at the Resort or the airport before departure. Guests may not be allowed to re-enter their country without this, so it's essential to follow all guidelines from the Resort & MOH.
Dedicated isolation rooms have been assigned and approved by MHMS at the Resort and may likely not be the room type you originally booked at the Resort.
Isolation and Quarantine guests must stay in the dedicated isolation rooms, staying inside the room at all times to ensure the safety of other guests, colleagues, and our community. Isolation and Quarantine guests do not have separate accommodation areas, so both negative close contacts & confirmed positive travellers can be accommodated within the dedicated Isolation areas of the Resort.
Should a mandated isolation period be required, rates have been set with Fiji Tourism below:
One Bed Suite - FJ$750 for two adults
One Bed Suite Plunge Pool - FJ$850 for two adults
Additional person/child charges are FJ$35 per other person/child
Meals are to be ordered off the Room Service menu, and menu prices apply. Meals will be served in disposable containers & ISO room set-up remains the ISO set up
Meals will be delivered in disposable packaging and left on a tray outside the room. All rubbish, including meal packaging, must be placed inside the plastic bags provided in the room & went outside for collection. We have provided a drying rack, laundry detergent, and a plastic bowl for laundry to be done inside your room. The Resort cannot do laundry during this time.
Your travel insurer is highly recommended to be contacted immediately should mandatory isolation be required. During a mandated isolation period, you are required to stay in the assigned room, and all meals and any valuable items will be delivered to the room; however, no items can leave or be removed from the room until 48 hours after you depart the isolation room. During this time, there is no allocated time out of the room for exercise.
Government Health and Covid-19 Safe Guidelines will apply and determine any further testing and isolation requirements and could change depending on the National or local situation. Any charges for additional medical services, RAT, and/ or RT-PCR tests, including isolation accommodation and incidentals following the initial positive RAT test, will be charged to your room & settled at check out or move back onto resort rooms.
The Resort will not consider direct payments from Insurance companies. Guest must settle all charges before leaving & seek reimbursement themselves from their insurance companies. To re-enter your home country, you may need to comply with your country’s testing requirements to confirm that you are negative or no longer infectious.
If you have travel insurance, please ensure that it is adequate to cover any unexpected extra days in Fiji due to a positive case. Please continuously review updates to your country’s evolving re-entry protocols for citizens who have contracted COVID-19 while travelling overseas.
It is your responsibility to understand your testing requirements and associated timelines. The Resort and Medical partners are here to support you but cannot be held responsible for any costs or disruptions resulting from failure to meet your travel requirements. The Resort has provided information and links for you to check the most recent updated information; if you have any questions, please get in touch with your country's Embassy or High Commission.
Failure To Follow Protocol
Any person who fails to comply with the mandatory requirements under this Protocol as ordered by the Permanent Secretary for Health and Medical Services commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding FJ$10,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or both under the Public Health Act 1935.